• Maurita Cardone

    Maurita Cardone is a professional journalist and cultural producer with over 18 years of experience. She writes about the arts and the environment, contributing to several Italian and international media, including Artribune and Il Giornale dell’Arte. She has produced several cultural projects in Italy and in the United States, working with artists, brands and institutions. After experiences as editor and head of service in Italian publications including Il Tempo, Il Sole 24 Ore, and La Nuova Ecologia, since 2011 she has been based in New York where she was deputy editor of the online magazine La Voce di New York and is currently working as a freelancer.

  • Whitney Meilan Yang

    Whitney Meilan Yang is is the founder of Mixed Change, a communications agency specializing in communications for grassroots social justice and nonprofit organizations. Whitney believes that art, culture, and storytelling have to be part of any movement for change. She has worked with individuals and groups fighting for migrant justice, abolition, global solidarity, racial justice, international human rights, Indigenous self-determination, LGBTQIA+ rights, and so much more. Whitney has been supporting the Free Billie Allen Campaign and Billie Allen Art since 2019.

  • Billie Melissa

    Billie Melissa is an activist, writer and filmmaker from the UK currently living in New York. Her directorial debut, I Love You, Guys!, which was featured in Film Stories Magazine, will be releasing later this year with JumpCut Studios. Previously she has worked as a film critic for both print and digital publications where she's covered film festivals globally, and in 2021 she was part of the Press Inclusion Initiative at Sundance Film Festival. Billie Melissa is currently a graduate student at The New School where she is also an Impact Entrepreneurship Fellow building a production company that provides free creative services to families impacted by capital punishment in the US.